Join an LCM Small Group!


January 25
Event Categories:

We are thrilled to announce that this spring semester, our community is having weekly Bible Studies/small groups and we hope you commit to joining one! 

God created us for connection and belonging, and to find these in God, certainly, but to also find connection and belonging amongst each other. Our community has blossomed and grown this past year and we want to offer a chance for you all to connect meaningfully, to get to know good and interesting people, to pray together, and to explore and wrestle with scripture with other students!

To join a Bible Study, fill out the form below and our Bible Study leaders will be in touch with you! Some of these will be staff led and some will be led by student leaders. You can read the descriptions below, and pick the time that works best in your schedule — our ideal commitment is that you can attend your group 3x a month, so we can get to know one another and build community, while understanding that life and school sometimes get in the way.

Let us know if you have any questions and we can’t wait to see you all next week at the start of the term!

Weekly Bible Studies
Sign up by Sat., January 25!
This semester, we will be hosting weekly Bible Studies at various times and places on campus! Each Bible Study will be going through the same Bible stories together, so choose the general time and location that fits in your schedule. While the exact times aren’t decided yet, they will likely meet sometime between 5 & 7pm.

  • Monday Evenings (Mpls)
  • Tuesday Evenings (St. Paul)
  • Tuesday Evenings (Mpls)
  • Thursday Evenings (Queer Bible Study — for queer & questioning students, Mpls)

“Back to Basics” Small Group w/ Pastor Kate
Sundays @ noon | Grace Peace Chapel | Sign up by Sat., January 25!
This semester, Pastor Kate is going to lead a “Back to the Basics” small group — this will be a chance for folks (whether you’re brand new to this tradition or have been a part of it your whole life) to be in conversation with one another, to explore some basic building blocks of the Lutheran perspective on the Christian life, and to ask a lot of great questions. The goal isn’t to offer a college level class, but instead to give you some tools and frameworks to continue growing in faith. A few folks in our community are interested in exploring confirmation or baptism, and this small group will prepare you for that step. If you are already baptized and confirmed, or if you have no intention of exploring either of those – this group is also for you!