Calendar of Events
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Be Fed
Be Fed
A weekly student-hosted space for you to be fed -- with food, conversation, and community! Join us for a free meal of warm soup, bagels, meat, cheese, and more! Some folks are on their way to or from somewhere, and only stay for a bite, and some stay the whole time. It’s a casual gathering, where the conversation and company are different each time.
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pause student worship
pause student worship
During the school year, we meet for worship at 8pm at Grace University Lutheran Church — we call it pause because it’s like taking a big deep breath in the middle of the week. You can expect mostly students to be in attendance, acoustic music, beautiful art, robust conversation, quiet prayer, and reflection. Our communion table is […]
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Join an LCM Small Group!
We are thrilled to announce that this spring semester, our community is having weekly Bible Studies/small groups and we hope you commit to joining one!
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Be Fed
Be Fed
A weekly student-hosted space for you to be fed -- with food, conversation, and community! Join us for a free meal of warm soup, bagels, meat, cheese, and more! Some folks are on their way to or from somewhere, and only stay for a bite, and some stay the whole time. It’s a casual gathering, where the conversation and company are different each time.
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pause student worship
pause student worship
During the school year, we meet for worship at 8pm at Grace University Lutheran Church — we call it pause because it’s like taking a big deep breath in the middle of the week. You can expect mostly students to be in attendance, acoustic music, beautiful art, robust conversation, quiet prayer, and reflection. Our communion table is […]