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You’re invited to LCM Youth Night!

Wed., April 10 | Schedule: Dinner @ 6:30pm, pause student worship @ 8pm @ Grace University Lutheran Church | Please RSVP to dana@umnlutheran.org so we know how many to expect!
This Spring, Lutheran Campus Ministry-Twin Cities is extending an invitation to all local high school youth to our special LCM Youth Night!
On April 10, all local high school youth are invited to join in our first “LCM Youth Night at the U.” Student leaders will welcome youth to our worship service, and invite conversation with high school students over dinner before worship, and treats and fellowship afterward. We hope that this event offers high school students a chance to see a glimpse of college life, what living out your faith in college could look like, and ways to find Christian community beyond graduation (even if they don’t head to U of M!). This idea sprang from our student leaders this semester and they are incredibly excited to connect with local youth and make this a success! Whether you wish to attend as a youth group, as a family, or as a group of friends, know you are welcome — just RSVP to our Program + Outreach Coordinator at dana@umnlutheran.org by April 1!