Leap of Faith
Written by Mara Bowman
On a college campus, it’s easy to hear the word “leader,” and instantly think “resumé builder.” [We’re all trying to get that job post-grad.] But stepping into a leadership role in a faith community brought a new light to the idea of being servant hearted for me, and made me rethink the ways I live out my faith on and off campus. It provided me space to grow as an individual, while fostering growth in a community I care about.
Within Lutheran Campus Ministry, specifically, becoming a servant leader has been a way for me to become more in tune with the community. I found myself building relationships more intentionally. I was challenged to think, “What about LCM is worth sharing with the UMN campus? Why does what we do matter? What should we be doing differently?”
Servant leaders have different opportunities to shape the community related to outreach, worship planning, and other events. Serving as a leader helped me to feel like an active member of the church, and allowed me to see how this experience will continue to impact and form my relationship with the church in my life beyond college.
Being a servant leader with LCM is not only about becoming a better person, it’s recognizing that our community is enriched when we all chip in our time and our talents. It’s recognizing that when you love a community deeply your unique qualities are needed to enrich it, whether by participating in outreach, cleaning dishes, serving soup, or planning worship. The body of Christ is made up of many members, all of which are essential to our wonderful LCM community. Being a servant leader deeply enriched my experience within LCM, by helping me to grow in my faith and with the people around me. I encourage you to take the leap of faith and share what it is about this community that brings you energy and joy.