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Aenean nec eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Suspendisse sollicitudin velit sed leo.
We live in a culture where everyone seems to be 'dug in,' defensive about their values, and deeply suspicious of anyone who does not share them. We are divided along lines of politics, religion, geography, race, and class. We long to connect with others, and still, we hold our values for a reason - they […]
Whether on our social media feeds, through the news, or our daily lives, we as humans bear witness to suffering all around us. Recently, the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, Elizabeth Eaton said that "God has called us to be a people who stand with others amid suffering" -- As people of faith, how can we engage the world, in all its joy and beauty, heartbreak and suffering, without growing numb or turning to despair? How can we stand with our neighbors in suffering, while also caring for ourselves along the way? Why as Christians is this an important part of our call?